Anohter one on the way! May 12, 2012!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, January 6, 2012

Life after turning 1

Well Isaac is 1 now, and I have officially started slacking on taking millions of pictures of him and updating the blog. I'm sure it will only get worse once #2 arrives in May. After spending the first year of his life perfectly content being a bum and not moving, he is on the go-go-go now. He crawls like a little spider monkey, opens all the cabinet doors, pulls himself up to standing position and walks slowly along the furniture. Here are some more things he has been doing lately...
Chillin out on his new sweet chair he received from Uncle Steve for Christmas. Having his bedtime snack and watching TV.  I think Steve would approve!

Playing with his cousins. Now that he can keep up with them he thinks it's great. This picture doesn't even begin to depict the chaos that goes on when all four are together.

Still keeping it cute with Grace!

Loves his activity table!

Also... LOVES to read books. In this pic he is reading his favorite Peek-a-Who... it's also mine and Trav's favorite. Not many words and fun to read! Good pick Uncle Shane!

Thinks brushing his teeth with his Dad is a hoot!

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