Anohter one on the way! May 12, 2012!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On a break from teething

So I didn't capture too many good pics during Isaac's 9 month photo shoot because he was cutting his top tooth and was not a very happy camper for about a week there. Well he is on a teething break for a few days, so we have been busy snapping pics of the happy little cutie. 

We love to play with his hair!

Busted kissing himself!

Up close and personal snuggles with dad!

The rest of these pics were taking on his cute baby day. I compare it to the same thing as a  good hair day for women.

The destroyer

Loves to stand and is getting very good at it! Crawling--- hates and won't even try.

Jumperoo fun!

 In case you were wondering... Trav and I still exist too, and we still do things. Last Saturday we went with some friends to the Brewers vs. Cubs game in Milwaukee. It was a lot of fun. Here is a rare pic of us.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

9 Months

Seems like such a big boy sitting on the steps!

Dad was doing trickery in the background. He doesn't like to smile outside for some reason. He just likes to take it all in!

Laughing at Daddy jumping over Mom's head

Now if there was just a butterfly in this pic, it would be perfect!

So serious with those piercing blue eyes!

Prefers the outside, but smiles when inside. Silly boy!
Mr. Isaac is 9 months old already! We had a little photo shoot.. along with some other pics. Yes, I am getting slower at updating the blog, but it's because being a homeowner is very time consuming! I will try to be better.

Now you see the view-blocking kitchen cupboards....

Now you don't! Ahhhh sooooo much better!

Our front yard. As you can see, it's been a dry summer here. My favorite feature, the window on the right side of the house.  It provides a majestic view of the thick luscious trees in the distance!
Isaac letting dad know who's boss

In a pickle. HELP!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mirror Time

We put Isaac in front of a mirror. He thought what he saw was pretty neat.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Movers and Shakers

So the last 10 days have been CRAZY BUSY! We closed on our house the morning of Friday, July 22nd.
The new home-owners
First meal in our new home, right before the painting started up!

Then, life got really insane. Travis and I, along with much wonderful help from Kel and my Mom rotated painting, cooking and child watching for the next 36hours straight. (No pics, too busy)
Monday was spent doing odds and ends things, getting all of our carpets professionally cleaned and packing to get ready for the big move Tuesday morning.
Finally, we worked on cleaning our apartment after I was done with work on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. 
We finally got settled in this weekend when Grandma and Grandpa Kuehl came to visit and helped us out tons with the little (yet, very big) things (like light fixtures, and broken water heaters) 
Isaac and G-ma K

Loves that elephant! 

 Now we are slow unpacking. Seems like a never ending job. We are also keeping Menards in business, and it is without a doubt, my new favorite store. Our project list is about 2 miles long, as we moved into a home that "Has good bones" (quote by Nancy T) but has so many updates to do. Before and after pics will come as we finish rooms. I learned this last 10 days that I am horrible at making decorating decisions, and will never ever build a house. Also, bachelors who live alone for 15 years do not clean...not even a little bit. Ewwwwwww was heard A LOT during the painting/cleaning process. Anyways, here is a new habit Isaac has picked up on since moving into a house. No need to be quite anymore in our house, and he obviously knows it!

I almost forgot... in the midst of all the madness, Isaac spouted his second tooth. Click on the pic to make it bigger for a better looky!