Anohter one on the way! May 12, 2012!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Baby Girl Kuehl

What a great birthday present! I went and had an elective 3D ultrasound done today to find out (20 days earlier than my scheduled one with the clinic) the gender of the baby... and it's a GIRL! Everyone was right... they all told me they thought it was a girl. Here are a few of the better pics from the ultrasound. We are so excited for May!
If you want to see the picture, but bigger, just click on it! 

That protrusion punching her in the face is actually a braxton hicks contraction that I was having!

So Cute! Chubby cheeks already!

Skinny Little Thing!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Finally Crawling

Well it took 1 year and 5 days, but Isaac finally started crawling on all fours! I would like to think that he put off being on the go until my first trimester was over and I had energy to keep up with him again. He is such a thoughtful little guy! Here he is in action.