Anohter one on the way! May 12, 2012!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, June 20, 2011

Seven Months Old!

26.5 inches 17.5lbs

Things Isaac Can Do:

  • Roll over from tummy to back, then back to tummy
  • Swivel 360 degrees on his tummy
  • Hold his own bottle while he drinks it (hands free parenting!)
  • Scoots on back and belly
  • Repeats sounds... said, "uh-oh" (kinda)  after I said it the other day
  • Splashes in the tub and loves to slap tables
  • Has slept 12 hours through the night for the last 4 nights in a row!

First Tooth Brushing

Isaac's first tooth is coming in, so the doc recommended we introduce the toothbrush... ENJOY!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

New Feature

If you look to your right ---------------------------------------------------> you will see an email feature. You can type your email into here, then you will be notified everytime I update the blog.

Can I have your attention PLEASE!?!?!

My Mommy and Daddy bought me a house this week!!! I am so excited to run around in my backyard (when I figure out how to walk) and live right next to my cousins, Andrew, Matthew and Grace!

Here is the backyard!

That's right, we bought a house. Isaac is very excited. Our lives have taken many crazy twist and turns the past 3 weeks, and the end result is buying a house right next to the Fritels in Spring Green, WI. It's a foreclosed home that was just too good of a deal to pass up. We are very excited to move into this "Project House" the end of July!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


We made it out to the zoo last Sunday. Madison has a great zoo, and even greater, it's FREE!!!

Baby's first "Stick your head in this hole" picture!

Observing the penguins

Dad measuring his wing span, while letting out a "Ca Caw"

Oh boy it was so hot, Isaac and his Crazy Kuehl hair! (Travis does this to his own hair when he get's too hot)

I love to Jump!

The Jumperoo makes yet another appearance on the blog. This thing is just too much fun and Isaac spends up to 2 hours in it at a time just jumping and laughing.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I think summer has finally arrived!!! I always wondered why people would get so excited every year for this season.. This is the first summer in 13 years that I haven't worked as a waitress or been pregnant, and I must say now I know what all the hype is about!!! We have had several evening walks, drinks on the balcony and BBQ's already.

On another note.. Isaac has had a rough couple weeks. Ear infection, nagging cough and teething going on. We have him on antibiotics now and he is returning to is happy, fun self. After over a month of not rolling over, he has finally started up again.

Sick, but still cute, baby Isaac :(

Isaac at his first music festival- Bob Fest- Bob Dylan Music all day

Takin it all in

Memorial Day Parade in Cross Plains

Isaac all ready to go for his first swim! Seems like a fun idea while we are still inside!

Grace trying to show him how to have fun in water- he was not impressed.

I'm just gonna chill here with the adults while the other kids play in the water.

....and now, I'm gonna take a little nap!  :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011