Anohter one on the way! May 12, 2012!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, May 16, 2011

Stay at Home Dad

As most of you know, we made the decision after Isaac was born, that I was going to go to work and Travis was going to stay home with the kid. Don't worry, there is a method to our madness!!! Since January 17th, it has been quite an adventure. Sharing what it's like being married to a stay-at-home dad could almost be a whole blog in itself. There is a funny moment EVERY day!  For instance, today, I picked up a few ingredients on my way home from work to make spinach and artichoke dip for supper. Travis makes supper every night, and after I brought home my fun idea for an app, he was all flustered, saying "Your totally complicating my meal plan tonight" This is funny, because I used to react the exact same way when I would have a meal planned and he would throw and "fun" kink in it. A few other things of amusement that have happened in the last few months...

  • One day I came home and he had surprised me with a cake he had baked me (German Chocolate- my fav) and then went on to brag about what an awesome deal he got on it at the grocery store. Cake mix was a $1, frosting was $2. He was very proud.
  • Another day I came home and he had put a very complex boobie trap together that was supposed to fling a rubber band from across the room into my face. Too bad for him I was on to his game as soon as I cracked the door open... things just didn't look right!!!
  • I get the same text message numerous days... "We really miss you, MOM! Hurry home today!!!"  ...right...:) 

And now some pictures and videos from dad's time with Isaac. First up, Travis reading in his best George Bush voice, bedtime stories to Isaac.


First Day on the Job!

Fun at 5:30 AM!

Watching dad run at the gym

Almost everyday when I come home, the both have their shirts off?!?! I don't get it!

Helping do laundry (notice, shirts off... AGAIN!)

Suff a pillow into a laundry basket, cover it with a blankie and - BAM new place to hang out! (Naked, of course)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they don't spend much time showering during their busy days...
